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8 Health Benefits of Keto Diet for Beginners

In most scientific studies, low-carb diets prove their worth as healthy and beneficial. Here are 8 proven benefits of keto diet. When you hear about the keto diet, the first thing you perhaps think of is what could possibly make it as good as people say. The answer is, there are enough benefits to change […]

The Egg Diet. What you Can Eat?

It is believed that with an egg diet, you can lose 4-8 lbs in the first 3-5 days. However, in order to keep the lost weight off, you will have to follow a low-carb diet. What is the egg diet and what foods are allowed and which ones are prohibited? Chicken eggs are an important […]

How to Pick the Right Fitness Bands?

Fitness bands are a great alternative to expensive exercise equipment. This compact sports equipment will help to get your body in shape, but in order to do this you need to know how to choose and use it correctly in order to benefit, and not harm your health. Unlike other exercise equipment, fitness rubber bands […]

How to Burn Belly Fat? Exercises and Workouts

Abdominal exercises do not produce the greatest effect when it comes to burning belly fat. Instead, prolonged and consistent cardio is your best bet. This can be explained by the simple fact that vigorous aerobic exercise raises your metabolic rate, allowing your body to expend more energy throughout the day – which helps you lose […]

Benefits and Uses of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a superfood and a leader in the content of nutrients per gram of product. They contain soluble fiber (about 30% of the mass of grains), a large amount of omega-3 vegetable fats – as well as magnesium and other minerals important for metabolism. Studies show that chia seeds reduce the amount of […]

What are the Most Effective Diets for Weight Loss

The most effective diets for weight loss are often fast but offer only short-term results. However, sometimes that is exactly what one needs. Deciding to lose weight, women revise their diet. There are two options: to balance the diet and exercise thus bringing the weight back to normal while losing 1-5 lbs per week, or […]

How to Speed up Metabolism for Weight Loss

Speeding up your metabolism is one of the key factors in helping you lose weight faster. The more calories the body spends during the day (not only during sports, but also at rest) the faster the subcutaneous fat burns and the muscle definition appears. Metabolism is a set of processes for ensuring the vital activity […]

Plank – How to Do It Right?

The plank exercise is a stand on the elbows with tensed abs and hamstrings. The main goal of the plank is to maintain the correct position for the maximum amount of time – beginners start from 20-30 seconds, reaching a minute or more. The correct exercise technique implies the development of the ability to consciously […]

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