10 Healthy Foods for Brain

New Project 6Healthy foods for brain are the foundation of supporting and keeping a well-functioning body. It is important to understand how the food we eat influences both of them.

A story about how to improve brain function should by no means begin with listing the best pills to improve neuronal activity. It is much easier to rule out factors that negatively affect the brain than to try to stimulate memory with drugs.

For the effective functioning of the brain, not only intellectual training, physical activity, good sleep and fresh air are important, but also a balanced diet. With a lack of vitamins and minerals, memory problems, distraction and fatigue can appear. To avoid this, you need to radically revise your usual diet.

A deficiency of a number of minerals and vitamins is closely related to the disruption of the brain – first of all, we are talking about magnesium, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. Plus, to improve memory, it is important to regularly train the brain – read about the methods in the materials below.

healthy foods for brain

New Project 8Brain stimulants

Decreased brain activity primarily occurs in old age – both with dementia and with other diseases. However, improving the functioning of neurons in the brain is beneficial for everyone, including adolescents – developing memory allows you to learn better.

The first step in optimizing your brain activity is controlling your stress hormone levels. High cortisol levels not only disrupt short-term memory, but also contribute to insomnia, which, in turn, has an extremely negative effect on the brain.

Excessive stimulation with nicotine is also a negative factor for brain function – in the end, its action disrupts the natural mechanisms of dopamine hormone production. In other words, you need to quit smoking to stimulate your brain.

Medications to improve brain function

Before taking medications to improve brain function, you need to address common nutrient deficiencies. For example, only 25% of people get enough magnesium, a key nutrient for the brain and central nervous system, through their diet.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids, mainly of animal origin, play an important role in the blood supply to the brain. Plus, to improve the functioning of brain neurons, it is necessary to consume enough calcium, iron, iodine and a number of vitamins – primarily fat-soluble ones.

Vitamins and foods for the brain HEALTH

New Project 7There are two categories of foods – some improve brain function while others impair it. The aforementioned magnesium is considered beneficial for the brain – in particular, there is a lot of it in nuts. Also, berries and some other fruits contain phytonutrients and antioxidants that are important for neuronal health.

Recall that antioxidants help neutralize the oxidative effect of free radicals – since these free radicals are concentrated mainly in the brain, a lack of a number of vitamins and minerals leads to both the death of brain cells and faster aging.

Foods that are harmful to the brain are fast carbohydrates (primarily sugar, sweets and white flour baked goods) – they cause disruptions in insulin production, which directly affects the brain. In addition, trans fats are also harmful – their regular use is associated with impaired memory functions.

What is the best diet for brain and memory?

Best diet for brain and memory must include fiber-rich foods. They not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also stimulate the process of renewal of brain cells – which is good for memory. In addition, they improve blood circulation.

Of particular importance is the use of antioxidants and phytonutrients – vitamins C, E and A, as well as a number of substances contained in bright vegetables, fruits and berries. The most beneficial foods for brain health are dark berries, chocolate, green leafy vegetables, and chia seeds.

healthy quotes
“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Whole Grain Products

Our body constantly needs energy to maintain vital processes. Its main source for the brain is glucose, the lack of which causes a decrease in concentration and a general drop in performance. 


You can get the best performance from eating whole grains with a low glycemic index. Their advantage lies in the slow rate of release of glucose in the blood, which allows you to provide the brain with energy throughout the day.

Choose bran, brown cereals, breads, and whole grain pasta.


Fatty fish

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are not produced by the human body and can only be obtained from certain foods. They have a positive effect on brain function and overall well-being. The richest in them are fatty fish such as salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel.

They contain eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, which are easily absorbed by the body. Low DHA levels increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease and memory problems.

Fatty acids are also found in flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and soybeans.


Tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant lycopene. It protects cells from free radical damage that can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


Broccoli is the best source of Vitamin K, which improves cognitive function and mental performance.

tomato broccoli
snack nuts


Many studies show that vitamin E prevents cognitive decline and memory impairment. It is found in a variety of nuts.



Scientists note that adding blueberries to the daily diet can help improve brain activity. Berries are rich in phytochemicals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.




Black currant

Blackcurrant is rich in vitamin C, known for its brain-enhancing properties.

pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

A handful of pumpkin seeds is enough to replenish your daily zinc requirement for memory and brain activity.


Sage is known not only for its pleasant scent, but also for its beneficial properties that help improve memory and brain activity.

It can be eaten raw, added to tea, or used as a condiment.

sage, leaves, herb
eggs, food, fresh


Choline, which is found in eggs, plays a special role in the functioning of the brain. It helps improve concentration, as well as the ability of neurons to conduct nerve impulses.

How to improve memory

Improving memory is closely related to stimulating brain activity – in both adolescence and adulthood. With the formation of new knowledge, an improvement in the blood supply to the brain and the development of new neural connections are achieved, which directly improves the functioning of the brain.

Several ways to quickly improve memory at any age:

  • Keep a diary

Keeping a diary not only develops the ability to speak about oneself in the first person (which forces one to analyze actions), it also requires activating memory functions to describe events. Ultimately, this stimulates the neurons to function.

  • Focus on what you are doing

Stop perceiving reality from the perspective of a passive observer. Analyze what is happening to you during the day. For example, instead of eating food mechanically in front of the TV, eat food consciously by analyzing its flavors.

  • Play logic games

To improve memory, it is important not only to passively perceive information, but to use it to stimulate the brain – play logic games on your smartphone, or simply try to regularly find associations or connections with already familiar objects and concepts.

  • Learn to meditate

First of all, meditation relieves stress and lowers the level of the hormone cortisol (recall that high cortisol literally destroys the brain and significantly impairs memory). Meditation also contributes to the formation of new neural connections.

cardio exercise
  • Do cardio regularly

The most important exercise for the brain health is regular cardio – it improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. Even brisk walking clears the brain of the metabolic waste involved in Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Read more

Conscious reading is one of the main methods for improving memory and brain function, since this leads to the formation of new synapses – special contact zones between the processes of nerve cells. Some studies cite up to two hours of reading daily as the norm.

girl, woman, read

To improve brain function and activate memory functions, it is important to eat right and exercise regularly.

Balanced nutrition allows our brains to function more efficiently and avoid the risk of developing many diseases. But, if the diet lacks certain foods, then it is worth considering the use of multivitamin and mineral complexes to replenish the lack of essential substances in the body. To prescribe the correct course, you need to consult a doctor.

Which herb can help improve memory and alertness?



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