Best Lemon Water Detox

Lemon Water Detox  is naturally flavored water mixed with sliced lemons and limes making this an irresistible drink.

Lemon is a very useful fruit due to the high concentration of vitamin C, which supports the body’s defenses, helps to resist microbes and viruses.

Is it possible to become slim without tormenting yourself with diets? This question interests many girls and women. Everyone knows about the benefits of complex workouts for weight loss, healthy eating, as well as the need to drink enough water. But it turns out that if you add ordinary lemon juice to water, you can get closer to your ideal weight and cleanse your body much faster. How to properly prepare such a detox drink, use it with health benefits and why water with lemon contributes to rapid weight loss, learn from this article.

A big plus of the fruit is its low-calorie content – about 40 calories in a medium-sized citrus. Moreover, the bright yellow fruit is actively involved in the digestion process. Citric acid helps fats and carbohydrates break down completely. In addition, it relieves the body of toxins that usually hinder weight loss. There is also a slight diuretic effect when eating the fruit, and as a result, excess water leaves the body tissues.


glass lemon water

benefits of lemon water detox

The benefits that regular consumption of lemon drink entails can hardly be overestimated – it contributes to:

  • Improving digestive processes. The systematic consumption of lemon water is a kind of stimulation for the digestive system: the liver actively begins to produce bile. It is also important that lemon water is an excellent tool in the fight against persistent constipation;
  • Strengthening the immune system. As you know, lemon water is very rich in vitamin C, which our immune system needs most. At the same time, the main advantage of saponins, which are also contained in lemon water, is a powerful antimicrobial effect. Thus, lemon water is the main enemy of colds and flu;
  • Cleansing the skin. The joint work of vitamin C and other antioxidants is aimed at preventing the development of skin aging processes, pigmentation and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Reducing inflammation processes. Again, it is the high level of uric acid that provokes the body’s inflammatory processes. In addition, it negatively affects the joints and blood vessels, resulting in pain. Lemon water removes uric acid from the body and thereby prolongs the life of our joints and blood vessels;
  • Elimination of toxins. Since lemon water has a slight diuretic effect, together with a warm liquid, it will remove toxins and other substances that are destructive to all systems of our body. Along with this, enzymes stimulating liver activity increase, which in one way or another make the liver work more;
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  • Prevention of the development of asthmatic syndrome. The systematic intake of lemon water will not only cleanse the blood, reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes, stop the vigorous viral activity of bacteria, but also remove the mucus that has accumulated in the lungs and bronchi. In tandem with medication, lemon water is a surprisingly effective treatment for asthma;
  • Fight against cancer. Scientific studies have confirmed that at least three glasses of lemon water daily actively and effectively fights cancer cells;
  • Reducing blood pressure levels. Drinking lemon water is especially recommended for those people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. This drink effectively and quickly “knocks down” blood pressure, fights dizziness and nausea. It is worth noting that lemon water fights both depression and psychological stress;
  • Increasing stress resistance. As a rule, the lack of the notorious vitamin C is the reason for our stressful state, tension, sudden mood swings;
  • Recovery from urolithiasis. Lemon water is an excellent home remedy for fighting kidney stones. If you add two teaspoons of olive oil to a glass of lemon water, you can get an effective remedy aimed at destroying the stones themselves and at their comfortable exit;
  • Eliminate bad breath. Lemon water is an excellent mouthwash that targets bacteria on the tongue and cheeks.
  • Replacing caffeine. A glass of lemon water plus one teaspoon of honey is a complete replacement for morning coffee: you will get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day without harm to the heart and blood vessels;
  • Maintaining blood sugar. Lemon contains large amounts of bioflavonoids, on which the production of insulin directly depends. Thus, lemon water helps to maintain a balanced blood sugar level;
  • Saturation of the body with antioxidants and a variety of nutrients. Besides the fact that lemon water contains antioxidants, it is also rich in phytonutrients and B vitamins;

Why lemon water is good for pregnant women

Lemon water is useful for women who are pregnant, and this benefit is tangible both for the expecting mother herself and for the fetus. If a pregnant woman drinks lemon water from the very beginning of her pregnancy, then the risk that the future baby will suffer from an allergy is minimal. After the birth of the baby, during lactation, you should not stop taking the lemon drink, since the child is accustomed to its components in the womb, and the nursing mother needs its beneficial properties more than ever.

How to drink lemon water

If you follow the advice of specialists and therapists, then you should drink the lemon drink in one gulp, so that it completely and immediately fills the entire stomach cavity. It is not recommended to exceed a single dose of lemon water – 200 ml. This procedure is especially useful in the morning on an empty stomach. After you drink lemon water, you should also do a series of physical exercises. The result would be an accelerated cleansing of the body.

nutrition quotes
"If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food."
Errick McAdams

Lemon water properties

Lemon water has many beneficial properties as it contains:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamin D;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin P;
  • Carotene;
  • Organic acids;
  • Fructose;
  • Trace elements;
  • Essential oils;
  • Pectin.

Moreover, all these components enter our body intact, which means that they act on it as efficiently as possible. The effects of drinking lemon water are the following:

  • Choleretic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antipyretic;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antioxidant.

Lemon water at night

With regular consumption of lemon water at night, you can get rid of mild insomnia avoiding sleeping medications. In addition, if you consume the drink immediately before bedtime, then in the morning you will get timely and soft stools.

Naturally, lemon water, consumed at night, actively aids in digestion of excess fats, which leads to weight loss.

Slimming drink in minutes: Recipes

A huge plus of lemon water is that you can prepare it very quickly at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and stick to the right proportions.

1. Water with ginger and lemon

A very effective recipe for losing weight and removing toxins. For preparation we take:

1 lemon and cut into thin slices.

1 in of fresh ginger root is well cleaned and finely chopped or ground.


The ratio of fruits should be as follows: a teaspoon of ginger to one lemon.

The liquid should be infused in a refrigerator or a cool place for at least 6 hours, even better – leave overnight.

Start drinking this “slimming” ginger drink in small doses. If there are no side reactions on the part of the body, you should increase the portion to ½ glass per day between meals. Gradually you will drink water throughout the day in as much as the body requires.

The infusion can be consumed cold or warm, but not hot. Such water for weight loss with ginger and lemon will quickly help you find harmony in the shortest possible time.

2. Water with lemon and cucumber

Making such a drink is easy! Again use one yellow citrus and chop finely.To it add small pieces of medium-sized cucumber.

As in the previous recipe, everything must be mixed with ~ 3/4 gal of water and after a few hours you can enjoy the finished homemade drink.

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An interesting fact is that water with cucumber and lemon for weight loss not only burns fat. It prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body and thus prevents cellulite. You can use this remedy for a beautiful figure half an hour before a meal or 50 minutes after a meal. One serving is about half a glass.

3. Sassy water

Another popular recipe that uses lemon with water for weight loss is called Sassy. It was developed by an American nutritionist.

To prepare such an infusion: squeeze juice from one lemon, finely chop the cucumber, add 1 teaspoon grated ginger root, add couple of sprigs of mint. Fill with a little over half a gallon of water and add honey at the very end (1-2 tablespoons).

drink, cold drink, beverage

Useful Tips

  • Now you know that when losing weight, lemon water is an irreplaceable dietary aid. For maximum benefit to your figure and health, follow these simple rules:
  • In the evening, do not drink the infusion later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. Thus, there will be no problems with edema and restless sleep.
  • Try to enjoy one glass of lemon water every hour. If you leave home, bring a bottle of the drink with you.
  • Drink the bulk of your serving in the morning and afternoon.
  • During the period when you are taking the infusion, review your diet. Fried foods, fatty foods, and excess sweets will not promote rapid weight loss.
  • Only make drinks with fresh lemons, cucumbers, and other ingredients.
  • The ripeness of fruits and vegetables also matters – they should not be overly ripe.
  • If drinking lemon water becomes part of a healthy diet, the problem of extra pounds will never bother you again.
lemon water detox-

How Much Water You Need to Drink?



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